
Below we include some basic questions for better understanding the Cyprus Taxation and other financial matters. The answer for some of the questions are subjected to various factors and conditions and need further discussion. We are happy to discuss any matters or question you may have by clicking HERE

How are dividends taxed in Cyprus?

The short answer, is under Special Defence Contibution regime (special tax in Cyprus).  You can refer to our article (HERE) for more information.

PAYE explained

Refer to our article for the detailed explanations of PAYE.

When is the deadline for the Personal (employees and pensioners) Income Tax submission and filling?

The deadline is 31 of July following the next year.

How you file your personal tax return?

Your personal tax return is submitted through taxisnet.

Does Cyprus have withholding tax on dividends?

There is no simple answer (yes or no) on this question but it depends. You can refer to our article (HERE) for more information.

Who pays SDC?

SDC is payable according to the (i) source of income (ii) type of the legal person/entity (iii) tax status. In addition, there are a lot of exemptions that are applicable to each case separately. You can refer to our article (HERE) for more information.

What is special defence contribution?

SDC or Special Defence Contribution is special tax regime in Cyprus which is usually a withholding tax. You can refer to these 2 articles (HERE and HERE) for more information.

What is the deadline for 2020 2021 tax returns?

The official deadline for 2020 and 2021 depends from the type of the taxable person/entity (i.e. Legal Person, Company, Self-Employed, Partnership etc). You can refer to our article for the deadlines.

What is the last date to file a tax for 2020?

You can submit and file at any time your tax for 2020. However, penalties, fines and interest will be paid accordingly. The last date depends from the type of the taxable person/entity (i.e. Legal Person, Company, Self-Employed, Partnership etc). 

What is the last date to file a tax for 2022?

You can submit and file at any time your tax for 2020. However, penalties, fines and interest will be paid accordingly. The last date depends from the type of the taxable person/entity (i.e. Legal Person, Company, Self-Employed, Partnership etc). Refer to our article for the deadline.

Is tax Filing Deadline Extended for 2022?

Refer to our article where we inform our visitors about extensions

Will there be any tax changes from 2022?

Refer to our article where we inform our visitors about any tax changes

How much income tax do you pay in Cyprus?

This is depends form the type of the payee (for example a company pays 12.5%)

Does Cyprus have high Taxes?

The short answer is 12.5% for Companies plus 17% on distribution of profits (subjected to conditions). For individuals the tax range is 0% from €0 to €19,500, 20% from €19,501 to €28,000, 25% from €28,001 to €36,300, 30% from €36,301 to €60,000, 35% for over €60,000.

What is the tax rate in Cyprus?

There are more than one tax rate. Please contact us (click HERE) for information.

What is the tax rate for 2021, 2022, 2023 taxes?

There are more than one tax rate. Please contact us (click HERE) for information.

What are the deadlines for the tax return in Cyprus?

Refer to our article about the deadlines.

Does Cyprus has electronic submission option?

Yes and you can register by yourself.

What are the Cyprus personal income tax rates?

For individuals the tax range is 0% from €0 to €19,500, 20% from €19,501 to €28,000, 25% from €28,001 to €36,300, 30% from €36,301 to €60,000, 35% for over €60,000. Special Tax allowances exist. Please contact us (click HERE) for information.

Do I have to prepare audited financial statements?

Refer to our article.

Can I work as a self-employed?

 Yes. It is mandatory if you have business activities in Cyprus without been employed.

What is the provisional tax?

Please refer to our special article (click HERE).

What is the deadline for the declaration of your personal income tax?

Depends on the year of your declaration since from times to times there are some extensions. Please contact us (click HERE) for information.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this article /page is for general awareness and is not intended to be and do not constitute a professional advice.