Topics and Questions

EXEMPTION FOR PERSONAL TAX On September 2022, in the Cyprus Official Gazette it was stated that any individual (self-employed or employee) who annual gross income or salary is below EUR19,500 has no obligation to submit it personal tax return through…
AUDIT OR NOT – ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES Overview The audit requirement in Cyprus is not compulsory taking into consideration the following criteria. The non-audit requirement is applicable for companies with year end 31 December 2022 and after. In the addition, the…
BENEFICIAL OWNER REGISTER PUBLIC ACCESS – SUSPENDED Overview As of 23 November 2022, the department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property of Cyprus announced that with reference the Court of Justice of the European Union (case C-37/20 and C601/20),…
PROVISIONAL TAX Overall Provisional Tax assessment and payment is a government requirement according to the Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law No.4 of 1978 as amended. Cyprus Companies should estimate their taxable income for the whole year before the year…
VAT REVERSE CHARGE – A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDANCE Update is under progress Back to news and articles
VAT REVERSE CHARGE FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Overview The House of Representatives of the Republic of the Republic of Cyprus on 31 July2020 put in practice some important amendments to the Cyprus VAT law which is affecting the construction industry and…
REVERSED CHARGE MECHANISM (RC) – HOW IT WORKS (AS A CUSTOMER) Understanding the Reverse Charge Mechanism as a customer The reverse charge is covered by article 11E. Below we present a summary and some examples regarding the vat treatment of…
SELF EMPLOYMENT There are two main methods that you can operate a business in Cyprus. The two methods are: as a self-employed through a limited liability company In this article we will focus on the Self-employed First you need to…
PERSONAL INCOME TAX | SALARIES | EMPLOYMENT INCOME GeneralAny tax resident legal person or entity with business activities in Cyprus or abroad is taxable in Cyprus on its worldwide income (note1) including Cyprus income. The most common income for an…